Eywa AI

You are not alone in this.

Download Eywa AI is a pocket mental health

assistant, ready to help you with private, scientifically-backed exercises to maintain daily well-being and prevent crises. Safe space for real you.

Laurel Wreath Icon

First Voice-Powered

Emotions Assistant

4.8 / 5

4,5 Star Rating Illustration

Place your emotions

Track your emotions, understand their intricate links with your actions, and uncover patterns that shape your interactions. It's a secure gateway to enhanced self-knowledge and more meaningful connections with others










Break old patterns and grow

Bad behaviors die hard. Fortunately, we give you great, science-backed techniques to use. Your journey to change is a marathon, not a sprint. We're here to equip you with engaging and memorable exercises, infused with humor, to maintain your drive and adhere to your ambitions.

Get clarity and better solutions

Talking things through with a virtual mental health mentor allows you to step back and view your situation more objectively. Speaking about challenges out loud often makes it easier to identify solutions. A conversation can spark new ideas, perspectives, and strategies for addressing issues that may seem insurmountable when kept inside.

The voice mental health assistant in Eywa AI is incredibly intuitive. It's like it really listens and understands me, providing personalized support and strategies that have significantly improved my mental health and coping skills”

Romy from Germany

4,5 Star Rating Illustration

“Starting my day with just 15 minutes on the Eywa AI app has been a game-changer. It's like having a personal mental wellness coach. I've noticed a significant decrease in my daily anxiety levels”

Chris from USA

4,5 Star Rating Illustration

“Eywa AI's real-time emotion tracking goes beyond logging feelings; it reveals the 'why,' guiding me to mindful decisions and a more balanced self”

Ayush from India

4,5 Star Rating Illustration
Laurel Wreath Icon
4,5 Star Rating Illustration

First Voice-Powered

Emotions Assistant

4.8 / 5

One day or day one? Start for free today